Love, Joy, Peace...

What time are your services, again? 

We worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. We also have weekday services during Holy Week, Ash Wednesday and during the Christmas season. 

Where do I park? 

There is no designated parking lot for the church, but there is plenty of street parking around the church. If you don’t mind a 5 minute walk, there is also a free municipal parking lot at 100 Bridge Street. 

Do you have a dress code? 

Dress comfortably! We want you to feel comfortable during your visit, so feel free to dress casually. You'll see people dressed in a variety of styles, from jeans and t-shirts to business casual.

What does an Anglican service look like? 

Worship should engage all our senses, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. At times we sit, at times we stand. Everything we do has meaning. The robes the priest wears, the candles, the ritual all have deep symbolic meaning - sacramental meaning. If you are unsure what to do, just follow what everyone else is doing. And if you happen to miss a beat, don’t worry about it…the most important thing is that you are here worshipping with us! 

The beauty of liturgical worship is the structure. Each Sunday, as we celebrate Holy Communion, there is a repeatable pattern of Word, Prayer and Table.  In the first 1/3 of the service, God’s Word is read aloud in the congregation and then the Word is preached through a sermon. Then there is time for Prayer, for the world, our nation, our city, our church, and those who we know who are sick. And then the last 1/3  is the Table, where we celebrate Holy Communion, commemorating the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. 

Do you have a children's program? 

Yes we have a children’s program for elementary school aged children.